Contribute to Igor

Get Igor

Get the Igor sources from github.


Igor depends on a range of libraries.

Some of which are copied in to the code base and some are pulled as submodules. So don't forget to run the following unless your git client already does it for you:

git submodule init
git submodule update


Igor is using cmake to build. It is tested to work on Ubuntu and Debian with GCC and Windows/MSVC.

Preferred setup is VSCode, MSVC and CMAKE extension but it should work with Visual Studio as well.

Note! Under Linux you might need to install some additional dependencies like the following ...

sudo apt-get install libx11-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libglfw3-dev libalsa-ocaml-dev libxxf86vm-dev

Run from VSCode

Make sure when debugging from vscode to add the following to your settings.json in order for it to start from the correct working directory otherwise all relative paths to the data folder will fail.

"cmake.debugConfig": {
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}"

Git Flow

Use git flow for branching and merging etc. Please find here a very useful cheat sheet.

Maybe get a git client that supports git flow naturally (e.g. gitkraken).

Make a release

For making a release do the following steps.

  1. create a release branch from develop named by the next release version (e.g. 0.23.0).
  2. build and run tests and examples on Linux & Windows
  3. if tests fail try to fix on the release branch if possible or abort the release and start over
  4. Update the Changelog
  5. Update doxygen config file (src/docs/Doxyfile.doxy) using the new version of the release. And generate the doxygen docs.
  6. when satisfied with test and docs merge the release in to master and develop.
  7. Create a tag with the new version number on master and push master, develop and the new tag

Make a Patch Release

When happy with your hotfix update the Changelog before merging back in to master and develop.

Crate patch release version tag on master branch.


Install doxygen (ver. 1.8.8) than run doxygen using the configuration file located at src/docs/Doxyfile.doxy